Mask of Pharaoh Psusennes I. Tanis. Tomb of Psusennes I, burial of Psusennes I. 21st Dynasty, reign of Psusennes I (1045–994 BC). Gold, lapis lazuli, vitreous spar. Height 48 cm, width 38 cm, thickness 0.6 cm.
Art Sculpture

Mask of Pharaoh Psusennes I. Tanis

Associated with the divine flesh, the golden chased mask conveys the bust of the pharaoh, although idealized, but at the same time not devoid of portrait features. The king is shown with his usual regalia: in a headdress – a nemes scarf, with a uraeus snake on his forehead, with an attached beard, the garters from which are worked out along the edge of his cheeks with black paint. The eyes are pronounced with contrasting shades of white and black made with vitreous spar. On the shoulders and chest of the pharaoh, a usekh necklace is worn, consisting of twelve rows of beads, under which three rows of wide bands of floral and drop-shaped ornaments are visible. In the bottom row, the pattern consists of lotus flowers and buds.

Mask of Pharaoh Psusennes I. Tanis. Tomb of Psusennes I, burial of Psusennes I. 21st Dynasty, reign of Psusennes I (1045–994 BC). Gold, lapis lazuli, vitreous spar. Height 48 cm, width 38 cm, thickness 0.6 cm.
Mask of Pharaoh Psusennes I. Tanis. Tomb of Psusennes I, burial of Psusennes I. 21st Dynasty, reign of Psusennes I (1045–994 BC). Gold, lapis lazuli, vitreous spar. Height 48 cm, width 38 cm, thickness 0.6 cm.