Breast decoration of Pharaoh Psusennes I. Tanis. Tomb of Psusennes I burial of Psusennes. e1673951686428

Breast decoration of Pharaoh Psusennes I

The pectoral adornment was found along with three others on the chest of the mummy of Psusennes I. It has the form of a naos (sacred chamber) traditional for Egypt, found on jewelry as far back as the Middle Kingdom. This is achieved with a concave frieze at the top and matching traditional framing across the entire surface of the decoration. It was attached to two rows of beads and had a counterweight from the back.

In the center is a winged lapis lazuli scarab, whose stylized wings are lined with stripes of multicolored stones. He is surrounded by the goddesses Isis (right) and Nephthys (left), sitting in a traditional pose for such images on one knee.

Breast decoration of Pharaoh Psusennes I. Tanis. Tomb of Psusennes I burial of Psusennes. e1673951686428
Breast decoration of Pharaoh Psusennes I. Tanis. Tomb of Psusennes I, burial of Psusennes. Dynasty I XXI, reign of Psusennes I (1045–994 BC). Gold, carnelian, lapis lazuli, vitreous spar, red jasper. Height 13.8 cm, width 13.5 cm, thickness 0.7 cm.

In front of them, inscriptions with their names and titles are inscribed on golden plates. Between the wings below is the cartouche of Psusennes I, beloved by the god Amun. These goddesses, constant companions of Osiris, are thus called to come to him to provide protection.

A winged solar disk stretches its wings over the entire composition at the top – a symbol of the Choir of Behdet, the center of whose cult was in Edfu (Upper Egypt). A cartouche with the throne name of Psusennes I hangs from it on two snakes-uraeus. Two more sacred uraeus with solar disks on their heads slide down the wings of the bird, wriggling. At the bottom, seventeen amulets are attached to the base with the help of loops, which, with this design, remain movable. These amulets-symbols in the form of a pillar of Osiris and a knot of Isis were designed to provide the pharaoh with the protection of the lord of the other world, Osiris, and his wife, the mother goddess Isis.