Ivan Golubev, stone-cutting workshop Svyatogor
Golubev Ivan Vladimirovich – Yekaterinburg stone-cutting artist, master of stone-cutting art, commercial director of the Svyatogor stone-cutting workshop.

From 1995 to 2000 he studied at the F.A. Bronnikov Children’s Art School, Shadrinsk.
He studied at the Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art.
He worked in the “Ural stone-cutting workshop named after Ilya Borovikov”.
In 2011 he founded the stone-cutting workshop “Svyatogor”.

Participated in the exhibition “Jewelry Olympus – 2008”: stone-cutting sculpture “Wounded Beast” (3rd place “Virtuosi of stone-cutting art “Classics”).
The master’s favorite stones are Belarusian flint and Kazakh chalcedony (moss agate). The first, black and white, Ivan Golubev compares with engraving, which he did at school: on the surface, the stone is light, and in the depth it becomes black. Therefore, it is extremely interesting to work with him: you start to cut out on a light one, and then one after another, more and more dark layers open up. But at the first meeting, Ivan was captivated not by the color, but by the shape of the stone: smooth, surreal, reminiscent of the work of Salvador Dali. But Kazakhstani chalcedony, or moss agate, with its pattern resembles painting, watercolor.

Often the author cannot repeat this or that product: even monochromatic stones do not look alike, and stones with the same combination of contrasting spots do not exist at all. To a person from the outside it may seem that the stone is a harsh, unyielding, “dead” material. But stone cutters know and feel it much better. Ivan Golubev, for example, believes that stones accumulate energy, and therefore it is incredibly important what charge the master puts into his product.
The workshop always has a huge selection of stones. Therefore, when some images are born in the master’s imagination, he begins to look for them in this or that stone and chooses the one with whom he wants to work – talk – right now. The desired stone will definitely make “contact”, catch thoughts, fears or joys, give a signal: “Talk to me.”

The workshop uses natural stones, precious metals; the Florentine mosaic technique, when stones are selected in a natural pattern to form a whole image. In general, the Florentine technique is most often used to create paintings, the masters of Svyatogor work the same way, creating sculptures!

More than twenty people work in Svyatogora, among whom there are masters of their craft with a quarter of a century of experience: masters Grigory Ponomarev, Alexei Zefirov, Stanislav Shiryaev, Roman Yashkin, Pavel Lapysh, Vlad Ozhegov; grinders: Fedor Vagizov and Alexey Klevakin, Alexey Atemasov, Oleg Nikolaevsky, jewelers Dmitry Babushkin, Danil Pivovarov, Dmitry Evdokimov; metal artist Evgeny Belan, milling cutter Sergey Ulyanov, casting Dmitry Brezgin and many others.
Craftsmen from “Svyatogor” for several years occupy a leading position in international competitions of stone-cutting art.