Coins by Roman Butin
Each work by Roman Butin from Yekaterinburg is so small that it can be hidden in the palm of your hand. Roman takes coins and metal Zippo lighters as a basis. And with the help of very fine jewelry carving, he creates engravings on their surface that are simply breathtaking. And some coins also have a secret – some of them bite, while others reveal hidden elements.

It is almost impossible to buy the master’s works in Russia – Roman puts up every new coin and lighter on the Ebay auction, where he can be found by the nickname BOTEEN, and sells mainly in the United States.
The starting price for each such unique work is more than modest – $ 0.99, but the final cost can reach ten thousand dollars. At the same time, the master does not make work to order, and each of his coins always appears in a single copy.

In the collection of works by master Roman Butin there is a coin depicting a knight and a girl: the knight draws a sword from its scabbard, which, in turn, opens the shutter, behind which stands the holy grail; his other coin acts like a mousetrap – a metal trap closes in it when the central part is pressed. There is a scarab beetle that can move its wings, there is a statue of the Mayan Indians, which is surrounded by moving swords: Roman Butin has more than enough works, and, of course, new ones appear.