Every detail of the interior is reminiscent of the years that have long since sunk into the past.

Vintage style in the interior

Symmetry was observed when arranging furniture.
Symmetry was observed when arranging furniture.

Vintage style in the interior – romance and comfort of old gizmos

Vintage style in the interior also always looks expensive. It is no coincidence that it owes its name to the lexicon of winemakers: old, noble and aged in special conditions wine is called “vintage”.

Vintage style in the interior involves the use of authentic, rare pieces of furniture, decor and accessories with history. Often all these things are unique, and therefore each vintage style setting is exclusive.
Vintage style in the interior is a kind of symbiosis of classicism, Provence, shabby chic and retro. Its main difference is a lot of things and objects with history. Not necessarily luxurious and expensive, but certainly authentic, which appeared in the house from attics and flea markets, inherited from great-grandmothers.

The room returns to the past but it is not overloaded with things.
The room returns to the past but it is not overloaded with things.
The main focus is on the symmetry of objects.
The main focus is on the symmetry of objects.

Main characteristics and features

  1. Symmetry. Vintage, like classic styles, looks best if the arrangement of things is symmetrical.
  2. Subdued color scheme. The design is dominated by light shades: milky, beige, olive, gray and pastel colors. They create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and safety. Bright colors are not to be found here even as accents.
  3. natural materials. Preference is given to natural materials – wood, paper, metal, fabrics. Interior decoration has no frills inherent in classical styles. The entourage is created in other ways. Parquet, paper wallpaper or wood panels on the walls, a smooth white ceiling are appropriate. Heavy stone countertops, ceramic tiles, artsy gilding will categorically not fit into the decor.
  4. Furniture with history. There are no strict rules and binding to a specific period. In a vintage interior, the main thing that is required from furnishings is the presence of a touch of time. For this, both antiques and artificially aged couches, cabinets, and sofas are used.
  5. Eclecticism. Here it is quite acceptable to combine modern appliances with Victorian armchairs, an antique carpet and a practical six-arm lamp. Such combinations allow the interior not to look like a museum, but to remain alive and warm. The main thing is that ancient and modern objects do not dissonate.
  6. Nostalgic ornaments. The retro interior is dominated by prints that were in fashion one or two centuries ago: flowers and songbirds, stripes, checks and others. Delicate English roses, of course, are beyond competition.
  7. Decor. A variety of items are used as decor: ceramics and antique frames for black and white photographs, tall vases and jugs, figurines, caskets. Of course, all these gizmos should have an antique look and give the room a romantic touch of a slight mess. But it is important to know the measure – an excess of decor will make the room seem cluttered.
  8. Lighting. Naturally, there is no question of any built-in lamps and chrome spots. Vintage is crystal and bronze chandeliers with classic-shaped shades, floor lamps and table lamps with fabric lampshades, Tiffany lamps. The light should be warm and not bright.
The main accent is a bed with a carved headboard.
The main accent is a bed with a carved headboard.
The combination of modern household appliances with antique design.
The combination of modern household appliances with antique design.
The kitchen room fully conveys the era of the last century.
The kitchen room fully conveys the era of the last century.

History of vintage style

Surprisingly, this direction in design is not so many years old. They say that the vintage style owes its triumph to the American architect Patrick Willis. At the end of the last century, it was he who created the conceptual design of the elliptical house. However, when he reached the finish line, it turned out that there was no money left for interior decoration. The young architect was not taken aback and went to the flea market. Items bought on it, Willis cleaned, restored and decorated his house with them. The project was accepted to thunderous applause.

Vintage style popularity is understandable. Where can you find refuge in this strange, changeable and formidable world? Only at home: drawing the curtains with roses and frills, sitting comfortably by the light of a pot-bellied lamp in a velvet, “big-eared” armchair. And certainly with a porcelain cup of old-fashioned cocoa in his hands.ъ

The childrens room is dominated by pastel colors.
The childrens room is dominated by pastel colors.
The central element of the corridor is the chest.
The central element of the corridor is the chest.
In the attics of friends you can find a lot of interesting things for decorating the room.
In the attics of friends you can find a lot of interesting things for decorating the room.
Creating a piece of another era in a separate room.
Creating a piece of another era in a separate room.
A room decorated in vintage style never looks boring.
A room decorated in vintage style never looks boring.
Antique furniture.
Antique furniture.
Antiquities harmoniously complement each other creating a unique design.
Antiquities harmoniously complement each other creating a unique design.
Basic and advanced stories.
Basic and advanced stories.
Both the walls and the ceiling are decorated in neutral shades.
Both the walls and the ceiling are decorated in neutral shades.
Every detail of the interior is reminiscent of the years that have long since sunk into the past.
Every detail of the interior is reminiscent of the years that have long since sunk into the past.
Noble shades of brown are especially relevant in the bedroom.
Noble shades of brown are especially relevant in the bedroom.
Old furniture harmoniously complements the interior but it is still far from old.
Old furniture harmoniously complements the interior but it is still far from old.
Porcelain and ceramic dishes figurines give the vintage style a special charm.
Porcelain and ceramic dishes figurines give the vintage style a special charm.
The living room in vintage style is like the scenery for a film about the end of the 19th century.
The living room in vintage style is like the scenery for a film about the end of the 19th century.
The old locker and chest do not require restoration.
The old locker and chest do not require restoration.
Vintage style as a reminder of the past.
Vintage style as a reminder of the past.
Vintage style has a combination of practicality and comfort.
Vintage style has a combination of practicality and comfort.