Silver gilded nave on wheels, decorated with polychrome enamel and mother-of-pearl, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, late 19th century.

Ludwig Politzer – a classic of Viennese historicism

Renaissance silver gilt clock decorated with polychrome enamel, height 40.7 cm, probably Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, 1870
Renaissance silver gilt clock decorated with polychrome enamel, height 40.7 cm, Vienna, 1870

Ludwig Politzer ‘s works were exhibited at international exhibitions in Paris in 1878 and 1900 and were enthusiastically received by the public. Success brought him the title of court jeweler of the Imperial Court.

Politzer specialized in enamelled silverware, naves (silver models of ships used as table decorations) in the Renaissance style. A fashion now often referred to as historicism. Some of his masterpieces are currently exhibited in the most famous museums around the world such as the V&A Museum in London.

Snuffbox made of carved rock crystal in a gold frame, diameter 7.4 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, 1890
Snuffbox made of carved rock crystal in a gold frame, diameter 7.4 cm, Vienna, 1890
The clock, trimmed with wood and silver, is made in the form of a Renaissance reliquary. The legs in the form of sphinxes are carved from serpentine, the clock is crowned with a sculptural group, including a skeleton, above it a sphere supported by a putti, with a figure of Christ on top. Height 31.7 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, late 19th century.
Miniature silver trinkets decorated with enamel, Vienna, circa 1880-1900: piano-shaped bonbonniere by Ludwig Politzer, length 8 cm; bowl with two handles – height 9.5 cm; oval snuffbox – Hermann Boehm, width 7.7 cm; miniature cup – Hermann Boehm, height 11.6 cm.
Vase depicting graces and mythological creatures, decorated with polychrome enamel and gilding. Tazza decorated with cabochons made of translucent enamel. Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1900
Vase depicting graces and mythological creatures, decorated with polychrome enamel and gilding. Tazza decorated with cabochons made of translucent enamel. Vienna, circa 1900
Silver nave decorated with polychrome enamel and gilding, probably Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, late 19th century.
Silver nave decorated with polychrome enamel and gilding, Vienna, late 19th century.
Silver gilded ostrich, decorated with champlevé enamel and pearls, rubies and emeralds, base painted with hunting scenes on enamel, height 44 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, late 19th century.
Ostrich, decorated with champlevé enamel and pearls, rubies and emeralds, base painted with hunting scenes on enamel, height 44 cm, Vienna, late 19th century.
Silver nave decorated with polychrome enamel, height 23 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1870
Silver nave decorated with polychrome enamel, height 23 cm, Vienna, circa 1870
Silver gilded nave on wheels, decorated with polychrome enamel and mother-of-pearl, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, late 19th century.
Silver gilded nave on wheels, decorated with polychrome enamel and mother-of-pearl, Vienna, late 19th century.
Miniature silver trinkets decorated with enamel, Vienna, circa 1880-1900 piano-shaped bonbonniere by Ludwig Politzer,
Miniature silver trinkets decorated with enamel, Vienna, circa 1880-1900 piano-shaped bonbonniere by Ludwig Politzer,
Rock crystal bowl with lid, decorated with precious stones and enamel, height 32 cm, Ludwig Pollitzer, Vienna, circa 1900
Rock crystal bowl with lid, decorated with precious stones and enamel, height 32 cm, Vienna, circa 1900
Silver gilded case decorated with polychrome enamel, length 9.5 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1900
Case decorated with polychrome enamel, length 9.5 cm, Vienna, circa 1900
Silver gilded case decorated with polychrome enamel, length 10 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1900
Silver gilded case decorated with polychrome enamel, length 10 cm, Vienna, circa 1900
Silver gilded nave decorated with polychrome enamel, height 61.5 cm, probably Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1900
Silver gilded nave decorated with polychrome enamel, height 61.5 cm, Vienna, circa 1900
Three gilded silver grotesque figurines, decorated with polychrome enamel: a pair of clowns - a beggar clown and a drummer clown without drums; the third is a violinist without a violin, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1900. These figurines were inspired by early 18th-century figurines from the Green Vaults (Grünen Gewölbe) collection of August the Strong in Dresden.
Three gilded silver grotesque figurines, decorated with polychrome enamel: a pair of clowns – a beggar clown and a drummer clown without drums; the third is a violinist without a violin, circa 1900. These figurines were inspired by early 18th-century figurines from the Green Vaults (Grünen Gewölbe) collection of August the Strong in Dresden.
Heart-shaped silver snuffbox decorated with polychrome enamel depicting Venus and Mars, diameter 6.7 cm; round snuffbox painted with figures of spring and autumn, 5.7 cm diameter, Vienna, circa 1880
Heart-shaped silver snuffbox decorated with polychrome enamel depicting Venus and Mars, diameter 6.7 cm; round snuffbox painted with figures of spring and autumn, 5.7 cm diameter, Vienna, circa 1880
Silver gilded sedan chair in the Rococo style, decorated with polychrome enamel, height 11.2 cm, probably Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1890
Sedan chair in the Rococo style, decorated with polychrome enamel, height 11.2 cm, Vienna, circa 1890
Silver gilt clock on a stand decorated with polychrome enamel, height 16 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1900
Silver gilt clock on a stand decorated with polychrome enamel, height 16 cm, Vienna, circa 1900
Silver gilded goblet with lid, decorated with polychrome enamel and satyr figurine, height 28.3 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1880
Silver gilded goblet with lid, decorated with polychrome enamel and satyr figurine, height 28.3 cm, Vienna, circa 1880
Five gilded silver figurines on bases decorated with polychrome enamel, up to 12 cm high, probably Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1890
Five gilded silver figurines on bases decorated with polychrome enamel, up to 12 cm high, Vienna, circa 1890
Silver gilded vase depicting Europa and a bull, decorated with polychrome enamel, height 13.5 cm, Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1890
Silver gilded vase depicting Europa and a bull, decorated with polychrome enamel, height 13.5 cm, circa 1890
Silver gilded tazza painted with allegorical figures symbolizing art, music and science, decorated with polychrome enamel, height 9.5 cm, diameter 15 cm, Vienna, circa 1890
Silver gilded tazza painted with allegorical figures symbolizing art, music and science, decorated with polychrome enamel, height 9.5 cm, diameter 15 cm, Vienna, circa 1890
Polychrome enamel dish depicting Cybella's chariot with Bacchus and Ceres, 18.8 x 20 cm, probably Ludwig Politzer, Vienna, circa 1900
Polychrome enamel dish depicting Cybella’s chariot with Bacchus and Ceres, 18.8 x 20 cm, Vienna, circa 1900