Pair of goblets made of cobalt glass in a gilded bronze frame Ferdinand Barbedienne Paris late 19th century
Design Metal

Ferdinand Barbedienne

Pair of Chinese porcelain candlesticks in gilded bronze design by Edouard Lievre F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Pair of Chinese porcelain candlesticks in gilded bronze design by Edouard Lievre F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century.

Ferdinand Barbedienne, a French foundry and industrialist, was born into a farmer’s family. He was apprenticed to a Parisian paper manufacturer, and by 1834 he was already a successful wallpaper maker. In Paris, Barbedienne met the French engineer-inventor Achille Colla, who invented a unique machine capable of making small copies of sculptures, antique bas-reliefs, archaeological rarities and other items. As a result of the partnership between the enterprising Barbedienne and the talented Colle, in 1838 a factory began to work, which became famous all over the world.

Vase with red marble lid design by Louis Constant Seven 1821 1888 enamel by Claudius Poplin 1825 1892 caster Desire Attarges 1820 1878 height 93 cm F. BARBEDIENNE 1880
Vase with red marble lid design by Louis Constant Seven 1821 1888 enamel by Claudius Poplin 1825 1892 caster Desire Attarges 1820 1878 height 93 cm F. BARBEDIENNE 1880

Initially, the workshop made copies of Roman and Greek sculptures, and since 1843 they began to cast objects according to the forms of modern masters. Among the famous sculptors who collaborated with Barbedienne were P. Dubois, Claude-Michel Clodion, F. Bosio, Louis-Constant Seven, Edouard Llevre and many others. The Barbedienne factory had its own gilding workshop. Products covered with the thinnest layer of gold were in great demand.

Call’s invention, combined with Barbedienne’s desire to constantly improve production, brought excellent results. By the end of the 19th century, the factory was casting more than three thousand products a year. The workshop turned out to be an economically successful enterprise, existed for another 61 years after Barbediene’s death and was closed in 1952.

Ferdinand Barbedienne 1810 1892
Ferdinand Barbedienne 1810-1892.
Pair of goblets made of cobalt glass in a gilded bronze frame Ferdinand Barbedienne Paris late 19th century
Pair of goblets made of cobalt glass in a gilded bronze frame Ferdinand Barbedienne. Paris late 19th century.
Wood and gilded bronze pedestal with Neo Greek onyx top F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Wood and gilded bronze pedestal with Neo Greek onyx top F. BARBEDIENNE, 19th century.
Pair of gilded bronze vases after the model of Claude Michel Clodion F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Pair of gilded bronze vases after the model of Claude Michel Clodion F. BARBEDIENNE.
Pair of green marble vases in gilded bronze F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Pair of green marble vases in gilded bronze.
Pair of neo Greek gilded bronze bonbonnieres and inkwell decorated with cloisonne enamel F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Pair of neo Greek gilded bronze bonbonnieres and inkwell decorated with cloisonne enamel.
Onyx jardiniere set in gilded bronze with Neo Greek enamel probably designed by Louis Constant Cevin and Edouard Llevre F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Onyx jardiniere set in gilded bronze with Neo Greek enamel probably designed by Louis Constant Cevin and Edouard Llevre.
Service in gilded bronze decorated with cloisonne enamel F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Service in gilded bronze decorated with cloisonne enamel.
Pair of large onyx vases in gilded bronze F. BARBEDIENNE Paris third quarter of the 19th century
Pair of large onyx vases in gilded bronze F. BARBEDIENNE. Paris third quarter of the 19th century.
French chinoiserie style central decoration in cloisonne enamel and gilded bronze probably F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
French chinoiserie style central decoration in cloisonne enamel and gilded bronze.
Jardiniere Trepied du Temple DIsis in gilded patinated bronze on a marble pedestal F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Jardiniere Trepied du Temple DIsis in gilded patinated bronze on a marble pedestal.
Crucifix in gilded bronze decorated with champleve enamel and semi precious stones Neo Gothic style F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Crucifix in gilded bronze decorated with champleve enamel and semi precious stones Neo Gothic style.DIONYSOS dish in neo Greek gilded patinated bronze designed by Ferdinand Levillen F. BARBEDIENNE Paris third quarter of the 19th century

DIONYSOS dish in neo Greek gilded patinated bronze designed by Ferdinand Levillen.

Clock and pair of candelabra in gilded bronze F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1885
Clock and pair of candelabra in gilded bronze F. BARBEDIENNE. Paris circa 1885.
Cabinet of the time of Napoleon III in gilded bronze with cloisonne enamel designed by Louis Constant Seven F. BARBEDIENNE Paris 1867
Cabinet of the time of Napoleon III in gilded bronze with cloisonne enamel designed by Louis Constant Seven, 1867.
Pair of gilded bronze removable lidded vases on white marble bases F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1880
Pair of gilded bronze removable lidded vases on white marble bases.
Clock in gilded bronze and rosewood designed by Albert Ernest Carrier Belleuse and Louis Constant Cevint F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1872 1875.
Clock in gilded bronze and rosewood designed by Albert Ernest Carrier Belleuse and Louis Constant Cevint, 1872-1875.
Pair of Fleur de Pecher marble vases in gilded bronze F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1895
Pair of Fleur de Pecher marble vases in gilded bronze, 1895.
Onyx vase framed in gilded bronze with Islamic style champleve enamel F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1885
Onyx vase framed in gilded bronze with Islamic style champleve enamel.
Pair of lamps in gilded bronze with Islamic style champleve enamel probably F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1870
Pair of lamps in gilded bronze with Islamic style champleve enamel.
Pair of Chinese style candelabra in gilded bronze with enamel F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1895
Pair of Chinese style candelabra in gilded bronze with enamel.
Hours in gilded bronze with enamel designed by Albert Ernest Carrier Belleuse and Louis Constant Seven F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1890
Hours in gilded bronze with enamel designed by Albert Ernest Carrier Belleuse and Louis Constant Seven, 1890.
Small bowl with cloisonne enamel gilt bronze lid F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1890
Small bowl with cloisonne enamel gilt bronze lid, 1890.
Pair of onyx vases in the style of Napoleon III framed in gilt bronze height 90 cm probably F. BARBEDIENNE Paris around 1870
Pair of onyx vases in the style of Napoleon III framed in gilt bronze height 90 cm, 1870.
Casket in gilded and silvered bronze designed by Louis Constant Seven 1820 1888 and Desire Attarges 1820 1878 length 40 cm F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1865
Casket in gilded and silvered bronze designed by Louis Constant Seven 1820 1888 and Desire Attarges 1820 1878 length 40 cm.
Chinese polychrome porcelain vase in gilded bronze frame 43 cm high F. BARBEDIENNE Paris circa 1860
Chinese polychrome porcelain vase in gilded bronze frame 43 cm high.
Pair of gilded bronze vases with cloisonne enamel probably F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Pair of gilded bronze vases with cloisonne enamel.
Clock and two candlesticks in gilded bronze with cloisonne enamel F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Clock and two candlesticks in gilded bronze with cloisonne enamel.
Pair of two handled bowls in gilded and silvered bronze designed by Louis Constant Seven probably F. BARBEDIENNE Paris late 19th century
Pair of two handled bowls in gilded and silvered bronze designed by Louis Constant Seven.