François-Désiré Froment-Meurice (1802−1855) was one of the largest French jewelers of the 19th century. His pieces featured a stunning combination of Renaissance and Rococo motifs. His son Emil continued the family business.
Rare French Silver Gem Set and Enamel Match Box Froment Meurice circa 1848 Paris.
His works are now stored, including in the Louvre and the Orsay Museum, and have been called “Cellini of the 19th century.” His workshop won grand prizes at world exhibitions in London and Paris, and the master himself was friends with Victor Hugo and was a patron of the arts. Almost all of his masterpieces were created during the period of historicism, so styles and eras are intricately intertwined in them.
A Very Rare Antique Enamel Bracelet attributed to Froment Meurice.French Neo Renaissance Intaglio Signet Ring Manner of Wièse & Froment Meurice.Antique French Silver and Ceramic Door Bell Push, Bell Ringer.Saint Cecelia Chatelaine Pendant by Froment Meurice, French, circa 1850.Silver tazza supported by three women holding garlands of flowers and fruits and a bunch of wheat, François Désiré Froment Meurice, Paris, circa 1851.Large teapot and large sugar bowl, decorated with foliate decoration on a matte background with two portraits of Renaissance characters in medallions, with putti figures on the lids, François-Désiré Froment-Meurice, Paris, circa 1840.Silver tea and coffee service with monograms surrounded by garlands of ivy, with birds on the handles and lids, François Désiré Froment Meurice, Paris, circa 1840.Silver tea and coffee service in oriental style, François Désiré Froment Meurice, Paris, circa 1845.The large fluted teapot (40.6 cm high) is embossed and embossed with shell and foliage motifs. The cast lid and handle are decorated with clusters of garden flowers and vine curls, and the top of the handle is made of bone. The domed lid is decorated with figures of two love birds among a vine.Silver teapot and serving tray in Rococo style with the monogram EM under the Russian ImperialGilded silver bowl in neo Gothic style with turquoise, amethysts and pearls, the baseMoss agate bowl in a silver gilt frame, François Désiré Froment Meurice, Paris, circa 1853.Matchbox made of silver and enamel, surmounted by a globe with the signs of the zodiacRock crystal goblet in a setting of silver gilt, pearls, garnet and chrysoprase in the Gothic styleVase with lid in gilt silver with miniatures on enamel depicting comedy scenes,The large fluted teapot (40.6 cm high) is embossed and embossed with shell and foliage motifs. The cast lid and handle are decorated with clusters of garden flowers and vine curls, and the top of the handle is made of bone. The domed lid is decorated with figures of two love birds among a vine.Paired bowls of carnelian and agate in a silver frame: a carnelian vase is decorated with the figure of a horsewoman in Renaissance clothing, an agate vase is decorated with the figure of a horseman killing a Turkish soldier, in memory of the defense of Vienna from the Ottomans by Jan Sobieski, François-Désiré Froment-Meurice, Paris , around 1840-1845.The Ottoman Empire’s first attempt to capture Vienna, the capital of the Austrian Archduchy, dates back to the Austro-Turkish War of 1529-1533. The failure of the Siege of Vienna marked the end of Turkish expansion into central Europe. However, Turkish attempts to capture Vienna continued for another 150 years. The two-month siege of Vienna was the most dramatic moment in the Great Turkish War of 1683-1699. The victory over the Turks near Vienna became a turning point in the struggle of European states against the Ottoman Empire. Over the next 16 years, Austrian troops went on the offensive and liberated large territories from the Turks – Hungary and Transylvania.Agate bowl in a silver frame, on four legs decorated with pearls, with a pine shaped foot and a sculpturalGold lapis lazuli bracelet, François Désiré Froment Meurice, Paris, circa 1830.Renaissance style pearl and turquoise necklace with a central openwork panel from which hangs a removable openwork Latin cross pendant, François Désiré Froment Meurice, Paris, early 19th century.Latin cross pendant brooch with pearls and diamonds in Renaissance style, François Désiré Froment Meurice, Paris, circa 1850.Gold brooch in the form of a crowned dragon with diamonds, diameter 4.7 cm, François Désiré Froment Meurice, Paris, circa 1840.Renaissance style bracelet consisting of openwork floral motifs set with oval sapphires, rubies,Silver pendant in neo Gothic style with gold and enamel trim, depicting a crusaderAgate bowl in a silver frame, on four legs decorated with pearls, with a pine-shaped foot and a sculptural group in the form of a horseman killing a Turkish warrior, height 15.5 cm, probably François-Désiré Froment-Meurice, Paris, circa 1840 .Renaissance bracelet in silver and enamel, composed of sixteen links separated by two small gilded balls, the central motif representing an allegory of Harmony, in the form of an angel playing the viol, François-Désiré Froment-Meurice, Paris, circa 1845.Brooch Cameo of Venus by François Désiré Froment Meurice, gold, coral and pearls, France, circa 1854.Rock crystal in a silver frame, France, 19th century, by Maurice Froment.